Dispersion Letters - Aims and Scope
Dispersion letters is an information platform dedicated to spread and exchange information between those working in various fields of dispersion research, phase separation, formulation, dispersion processing and quality control.
It is dedicated predominantly to experimental and applicational work explored with analytical instruments developed by LUM. Dispersion Letters publishes on-line articles, technical notes and reviews.
Our latest entries
Characterization of raw materials and semi-finished products for battery industry
2024, English
More … Characterization of raw materials and semi-finished products for battery industry
Abstracts International Conference Dispersion Analysis & Materials Testing 2024
2024, English
Here we upload all the lecture abstracts for the Int'l Conference for Dispersion Analysis & Materials Testing 2024 that will be held on June 10-11, 2024.
More … Abstracts International Conference Dispersion Analysis & Materials Testing 2024
Charakterisierung von Batteriepasten und damit hergestellter Elektroden für den Einsatz in Lithium-Ionen-Batterien
2023, German
Im Rahmen des WIPANO-Förderprojekts "NoRu" wurden Batteriepasten und beschichtete Metallfolien für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien untersucht.
Drei Batteriepasten mit Li4Ti5O12 als Aktivmaterial wurden auf ihre Eigenschaften hin geprüft.
Der LUMiReader® X-Ray kam bei der Entmischungs- und Homogenitätsanalyse zum Einsatz, der LUMiFrac® maß Elektrodenbeschichtungsstärke und Haftfestigkeit.
Elektrochemische Tests zeigten Kapazitäts- und Stabilitätsabhängigkeit von Dispersionen-Entmischung…
Determine easily the influence of an additive by direct accelerated stability testing
2023, English
Cosmetics, personal and home care products are often formulated as dispersions. Separation stability is one of their important characteristics. Its determination in real-time is often contradictory to the market demands of a quick product release. Instrumental methods for the accelerated stability testing belong to the concepts of choice to provide quick information in R&D as well as in QC/QA. Physical acceleration at different temperatures in combination with a patented optical technology is presented here on the example of a nail polish without and with a stabilizing additive.
More … Determine easily the influence of an additive by direct accelerated stability testing
Uncertainty analysis of velocity and particle size determination using LUMiReader® and LUMiSizer® sedimentation analysers
2022, English
Validation of the quality of a method/device or laboratory’s analytical competency (ISO 17025) requires the estimation of measurement uncertainty. Guides such as the GUM and Nordtest Guide 537 provide methods for determining measurement uncertainty, which requires identifying and quantifying all sources of error. Any existing errors, including bias, are evaluated for significance and incorporated into the determination of the combined measurement uncertainty. The LUMiSizer® and LUMiReader® devices have been developed and optimized to minimize errors, and their methods for measuring the particle size distribution can be validated by measuring certified reference materials under repeatability and reproducibility conditions, as outlined in Nordtest Guide 537. In this article, we discuss the mathematics behind determining the measurement uncertainty for the sedimentation velocity and Stokes diameter, as determined by LUM GmbH devices. We also calculate the expanded combined measurement uncertainties for each device with regards to a silica particle standard. Our findings demonstrate the reliability and accuracy of LUMiSizer® and LUMiReader® devices in particle size distribution determination, which makes them an excellent tool for research in nanotechnology, material science, and biotechnology.
1 mm LUMiCells in der Stabilitäts- und Separationsanalyse sehr trüber Emulsionen
2022, German
Im 30-minütigen Webinar "1 mm LUMiCells in der Stabilitäts- und Separationsanalyse sehr trüber Emulsionen" möchten wir Ihnen anhand zweier Fallstudien aus der Praxis anschauliche Beispiele liefern und konkrete Lösungen für Ihre besonders herausfordernden Formulierungen anbieten.
More … 1 mm LUMiCells in der Stabilitäts- und Separationsanalyse sehr trüber Emulsionen
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